Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Okay, so, we totally skipped friday, and I'm gonna take my shot at doing this, because I haven't yet. Unfortunately, my brain is a little fried from overworking (and I'm working this weekend..bleh) so dunno how witty I can get.

In honor of the cold weather...

1) Your favorite thing to do while it's snowing.
Ideally, curl up in front of a fire with a glass of something warm and someone warmer. Realistically, watch my daughter play in it.

2) Your least favorite thing to do while it's snowing.
After a year in wisconsin with a gravel driveway...shovel.

3) Your favorite of the winter (Christmas) television specials?
I'm gonna hafta lame out and say the Grinch. Although I was partial to Frosty also.

4) Blankets or heater?
Blankets. Cold air, warm snuggly blankets.

5) Marshmallows or whipped cream in the hot chocolate?
Whipped cream. Lots of it. Hot chocolate is optional at that point.

Okay, semi lame questions, but what can I say. It's *cold* all of a sudden, and I don't like it!


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