Sunday, September 10, 2006

More Song Lyrics...

not sure why i consider this song relevant..not even a bruce it is..

I come from down in the valley,
Where mister, when you're young,
they bring you up to do,
like your daddy done.
Me and Mary, we met in highschool
when she was just 17.
we'd drive out of this valley,
down to where the fields were green.

We'd go down to the river,
And into the river we'd dive.
Oh, down to the river we'd ride.

Then I got Mary pregnant,
and man that was all she wrote.
And for my 19th birthday
I got a union card and a wedding coat.
We went down to the court house
and the judge put it all to rest.
No wedding day smiles,
No walk down the aisle,
No flowers, no wedding dress.

At night we went down to the river,
and into the river we'd dive
Oh, down to the river we did ride.

I got job working construction
For a Johnstown Company.
But lately there ain't be much work
on account of the economy.
Now all them things that seemed so important,
well mister, they vanished right into the air.
Now I just act like I don't remember
Mary acts like she don't care.

But I remember us riding in my brother's car
her body tan and wet down at the resevior
At night on them banks I'd lie awake
And pull her close
Just to feel each breath she'd take

Now, as memories come back to haunt me,
They haunt me like a ghost.
Is it a dream a life that don't come true,
Or is it something worse?
That sends me down to the river,
though I know the river is dry.
It sends me down to the river some nights.

Down to the river, my baby and I.
Down to the river we ride.
The River - Bruce Springsteen
i know it seems a sad image of life, but this is what i was taught by my daddy. you grow up, you struggle, you make a life that's hopefully a little better (although, not much, because then you'd have "ideas" and stuff) then the one you came into, and hope to leave your kids one even better than that. the idea is that, somewhere down the line, struggling won't be needed. You work hard, you play hard, you live hard, and you love hard. Everything Bruce stands for. Red necked, blue collared, red blooded, white trash. And, you know what, I'm not ashamed to be who I am. I do work hard, live hard, and love hard. Sometimes, I even play hard.

I am, without apology, who I am.

I like my feet on a dashboard, I like my daughter on my hip, I like a beer in my hand (although it's been years since one's been there)... my music loud, and with a lot of soul. I like the feel of the grass on my toes, and the rain on my skin. I like to sleep naked when it's hot, and to cuddle under blankets with a lover when it's cold. I like to dye my hair, and I don't care if it looks dyed. I don't mind sounding downright ignorant sometimes, and speaking my mind. And I've been known to utter a few unladylike phrases, or a few unelegant hand jestures, when it's necessary. When I'm not smoking marlboro's, I'm smoking newports - but I'm always smoking. You're as likely to find classic rock or country in my cd player as you are rock or alternative. Or a hundred other genres, to be fair. I've swum in streams, and camped in the mountains. I ride a rollar coaster like a fiend, and I cook like a evil seductress. (We all know there's only 2 paths to your above your waist, and one below.) Sometimes, I get a little crazy. I don't let go very well. I believe in forever, and I believe forever is what you make of it - there is no perfection except for what you create. I believe sunday's are for family, even though I am not a "church-goer", which screws the down-home theme just a tad. I believe Friday nights are for being wild. I believe the best Friday nights end sometime Saturday afternoon. I believe family comes first, even when you don't want them to, cause in the end, they're the ones who are always there. (And I believe that it's a shame family isn't what family used to be.) I grew up on the smurfs and the dukes. I believe behind every good man should be a hard-working woman, and behind every good woman are a lotta sleepless nights, red eyes, and rough knuckles. I believe it's a real shame that I know a lotta good men who've known nothing but shitty women. I believe I can kick an ass as quickly as I can patch up a cut...but I'd much rather kiss a boo boo and make it go away.

I believe i need a cigarette. will continue this in "More song lyrics" part two.

I am, without apology, who I am.


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