Monday, September 04, 2006

Yet another impressive day...

tried to imprison the hydra, so poor taryn could get flaming bracelet since she's been trying since yesterday.

mystic staff.
monocle of ren.
cloak of silence.
cloak of silence. (yes, that's two of them, not a typo)
infinity bracelet.
tagged ring.
rhea's girth.

and some other random crap.

reminiscent of when i did brutus' corpse retrival and lost
cloak of silence.
shadow hand.
belt of spring.
bronze boots.

etc etc. i forget what else now. it's been a while. was 7 or 8 items.

caitlin goes through more good equipment than most people ever see, and i'm trying to keep that in mind, honest i am.

been thinking about recreating her a lot lately. i don't want to give up being a thief, i like being a thief shadowmage...but...ARGH. it's so frustrating.


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