Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My (amusingly?) horrible night...

So..come in to a work list of 629 units. 352 of which are one order. We haul ass, and get all of the others done by 5pm. All in all, a very sucessful start.

Except one part...the part where, doing the first window of the day...i broke the entire "intercept" line. How, you may ask? I blame it on the safety glasses! Okay...the windows come out of the oven..and they come across a buncha rollers, to where we stand. Between the last roller, and the "ledge" that we are supposed to rest the windows on while we inspect them is about a 3 inch gap. Under the rollers are flourescent lights, so that we can see anything that might be on the glass. My window slipped, fell through the gap, snapped the light... And why was it so embarassing? Because my boss is standing there for 10 minutes pointing out that this has happened hundred of times, and it's never ever shut the entire machine down (he's trying to defend me)..and maintenance turns around and goes " short was caused by the bulb being snapped..". *Le sigh* When we all stopped laughing, I really thought I'd curl up and die.

Switch back to 5pm.. these windows start coming out... 8ft by 7ft, 4mm thick glass on both sides...*heavy*. And, if anyone heard my whining monday night, i'd already done a lot of really heavy glass this week. So, I'm thinking..okay...350 of these, at 1 every minute or's gonna hurt, but we get it done, we'll be okay. About that time, I'm informed that it's really 1197 of these, they just very nicely split it up for us. (Gee, thanks.) I think we're helping to build a skyscraper or something, honest. proceed to slam my ankle into the skid..HARD. Now I've got blood in my boot. Wah! but, just like a typical mushroom, I keep plodding along...not mentioning it to anyone. Shortly after that, due to the lovely carpal tunnel in my right wrist (well, i have it in both, but the rights the bad one, because not only has it gone through years of typing, but i used to fill a notebook in three days with my writings) my wrist completely gave out. It still hurts now...and anytime i move my thumb, there's this twang that goes halfway up my arm..whee. 30 minutes later, Kent (that's the boss) and I are moving a bad unit out of the way, and I *again* trip over this skid. (our skids are solid metal..not talking some nice little wooden pallet here.) And this time I go down.

Trace..if only you coulda seen it. I was crying cause I crushed my ankle, elbow, and wrist, but I was laughing so hard i thought i'd puke. and all i could think of was how you'd appreciate the joke. he sends me off to load the machine (half as heavy, twice as much work..cause you gotta load 2 pieces of glass for every unit, in case you didn't know...) ...and 10 minutes later S**** joins me. Now, S**** is really cool, she's been there forever, and she's alot like D and I.. she never complains, she can do anything the boys can..etc etc. This is how bad the glass was...she was lifting a piece of it (she stands in the middle and actually assembles the glass into windows) and pulled the muscle under her left arm. Just *one* piece of the glass, mind you. So her and I limped and hobbled our way through the rest of the night. Got over at 11:10. My ride told me he'd be there in 20 minutes. 45 minutes later he picked me up, and I came home.

And now it's almost time to go repeat. Whee-friggin-hee.

(And, since I'm already bitching...a few people know what i really wanted was to get a motorola razr when i got my phone. but i was in a hurry, the prices were high, i got the crappy one i used to have. and, when i went to go replace my phone (wow..3 weeks ago now?)...razr prices had jumped back up to 249.99, so i didn't do it. well, not only are they back down now *grr*..but mom and harry and frank just got a family plan, and mom and harry both got the razr's. i'm so pissed. mom didn't even want one, she got it cause harry talked her into it..and she got the pretty magenta one i wanted. grrrrrrrr.)


At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Ange!

I'm really sorry you had such a crappy night. You've totally got my respect...I don't think I could handle a physical job like that. I'm wimpy.

I'm very sorry to admit that I'm sure I would have laughed at you when you fell. I wouldn't have even made sure you were okay first. I would have, within the first minute, but not right away. I can only blame some freaky genetic programming for it, but seeing people fall just sends me into an immediate fit of laughter. I'm a bad person :(


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