Sunday, August 20, 2006

Friday Five

1. Do you really make wishes when you blow out the candles on your cake?
I used to, but I haven't had a birthday cake in..umm. Don't ask. So I stopped.
2. Have any of the wishes ever come true, if yes?
Umm...I wished for a pony. And N said I could have one. Does that count?
3. How do you feel about birthdays? (e.g., love the attention, just another day, don't want anyone to know my real age, etc.)
Umm..okay. Birthdays for me are notoriously shitty. Between it being Christmas, and having 4 siblings..I had this "I just want them to pay attention to me on my day since I pay attention to them on theirs" hangup. And I get really cranky.
4. Tell us a favorite gift you've received, or something you'd really like for your next birthday. the only gift I got this year was a pair of happy bunny socks from my sister. I think I'd really like to have a party someday. Not even anything "given" to me, just to have friends and family get together and act like they didn't forget i was born on that day, and even maybe pretend they were happy and celebrating it.
5. What flavor cake?
Strawberry shortcake.

Ps, this was not the post i spent all weekend planning on posting, but i had to get in on the friday five.


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