Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Okay, so y'all can see what my day has been like. I'm a complete sped today - which is pretty much to be expected. I'm absolutely fine half the time, and an absolute mess the other half (that half usually being whenever i try to sleep and start replaying saturday. and i know..but you tell my brain to shut the fuck up, cause it ain't listening to me).

Crys is still a statue. Hopefully I can get back to Zhak's quest tomorrow after work though.

Work still sucks, doubt that'll change anytime soon.

Fruit defeats the purpose of cookies. If you can understand that, you're probably my friend for life.

Maelstrom's back...he was my darkie buddy for so long, I'm so thrilled he's back.

I will post more at some other point.


At 4:01 PM, Blogger Muranog said...

Maelstrom's a good guy. Was chatting to him the other day. Hope he stays.

Of course you're going to replay Saturday for a while. It was a shitty thing for the rat whose name shall not be spoken to do. Hell, I still have the odd nightmare of crappy things that happened years ago, never mind days. But you'll get through it. One day at a time, with your friends around you (if you want them, but if you want your space, that's good too), you'll get through it.

Love you, sis.
M xxx

At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girlie - You have every right to feel the way you feel and you don't have to apologize to anyone for feeling it. Just remember that how you respond is always within your control and don't let people who are obviously cruel and screwed up continue to impact you this deeply. Shake 'em off and move on, Ange. You know you're ready to.


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