Friday, August 11, 2006

To Make Mimmy Happy...Friday Five...

Friday Five Instructions: Copy and paste these questions and answer them for yourself-it's fun to share the random thoughts thing with eachother. :) From the livejournal user group altfriday5 1.

1. How often do you (1) eat out, (2) cook for yourself or (3) otherwise forage for food?
a) rarely. although if ordering food to be delivered counts...i used to do it every 2 or 3 days or so. now i've chilled to every two or three weeks, due to dad flipping about the money i was spending. (although i maintain, a 3.95 lunch special is actually cheaper than buying the ingredients for dinner)

b) whenever i want to eat. and i usually cook for others even more than that.

c) i'm a once a day "meal" person, but i 'forage' a whole lot. as in, i'm bored...lets go stand in the fridge. i think i might be hungry..lets go stand in the fridge. why oh why am i standing here looking in the fridge?. i rarely actually take anything out, it's just a weird habit.

2. What's your favourite restaurant and why?
ummm...the ones that deliver the wings directly to my house with the good ranch instead of the bleu cheese.

3. What's your favourite food to prepare for yourself?
i'm really fond of making myself omlettes, corned beef, and steak. with pesto pasta. i'm the queen of pesto pasta. sadly, my favorite food to PREPARE is anything a)microwaveable or b) complete in 5-10 minutes. cause usually if i'm eatting a meal, it's when i'm done work and STARVING.

4. What one food gives you the strongest emotional reaction? Why?
hrm. that's a really tough question. i'm not sure i have really strong 'emotional reactions' to food, even though i'm a "emotional eatter". probably either grilled cheese..cause i ate them my entire pregnancy and they remind me of my brat-face... or pineapple bread-stuffing...because it was my grandmother's recipie and i knew i was an "adult" when she started letting me make it for holidays after my daughter was born. it's my place during the family events.

5. If you were stuck on a desert island for the rest of your life, what would you do with the coconuts?
umm....ask j to kill whatever mob loaded them, give them to me, then hoard them in my bag so that when everyone else was starving, i could survive. course, if i'm on a desert island and all i have is long is the rest of my life, anyway?

just kidding. i'd smush them up and use them to coat the fish with, because i'm not a big fish fan.
and..ooohhhh..coconut shrimp would prolly be real great cooked over a real open fire made out of palm leaves. hrrrrrmmm...

whos on the island with me?


At 6:06 AM, Blogger Muranog said...

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At 12:20 AM, Blogger Caitlin Sraet said...

To see Mura's Friday Five, click the link to Mura-y's blogspot. Removed from my blog due to no reason for it to be here. (Nothin personal, Mury)


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