Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Shout-Out To My Girls...

Cause I dunno if they know how much I really mean it when I say I love them.

So here's the story...

My whole life, I was that girl who chilled with the boys. And I mean literally my whole life. I had one really good female friend in elementary school, and one who spanned from middle school to high school, but that was it. I never "connected" with other girls. And that translated to women. Even when I lived in the halfway house, with 36 women, I didn't make any friends. Same with the house I lived in in allentown, with 8 of us in it. I don't know why, but there was just never a connection. I mean, maybe a few "surface" friends, but never ones i talked about anything serious with, or actually considered friends. none i kept outside of my time being forced to cohabitate with them. That "joke" about me collecting boys on the game isn't really a joke. I have my boys, and they all know that I adore them. That's not who this post is about (sorry boys, just aren't that important.)

Okay...that brings us pretty much up to 6 months ago. I returned to mudding. Aand, somehow, magically...there were these two amazing astounding women in my life.
It was like the clouds parted, a ray of sunshine came drifting down, the angels began singing..and life made sense. I wasn't the *ONLY* person who thought the way I did. I wasn't just an "irrational female" or crazy or needy or demanding or any of that crap. In fact, I was pretty damned normal. I was just too (stubborn, hardheaded, self-centered, blindsighted..choose your own word, i'll use isolated) my entire life to realize that I'm not that damned unique.

And it was so nice to have friends who not only understood and validated what I was saying (even when disagreeing with me, and they me. no one calls me a dumb blank-blankity quite like my girls) but who loved me and cared and who made me laugh so hard I've actually spit random items on my computer screen.

And, I hate to say it, cause it sounds sad coming from a 24 year old mouth, they've taught me a damned bit about being a good friend in return. I've learned to be (a little bit) quieter, (a little bit) more patient, (a little bit) less selfish, and a (mildly) better listener.

I love my two girls. My outspoken opinionated activist M-mmmy and my velvet-clad iron fist S-ssy. They're teachin me how to be a woman..or atleast accept that I just am, dammit.

Thanks ladies.

And, to T...okay, you're included in the simple fact that a)you remind me so friggin much of me and b) you're just so damned cool. The more you open up, the more you really "belong" with us. In the went away for 2 days and i think people said like 30 times "can't wait til T gets back" kinda way. I adore you, and you kickass. So don't feel left out...You're one of my girls now too. Just not part of the 6month ago story. *grins*


At 4:39 AM, Blogger Biomouse said...

Well I could go all stupid sappy on you here, but then the boys would have one more thing to tease us about and I'd have one more thing to tell them to shove up their asses. Sooooo, it's part of the deal babe-we love and we learn to grow, to find a niche and to be okay with being right even when we are wrong, and girl don't you know that WE are never wrong! Strength is not finding weakness in others, strength is finding the weakest part of ourselves and accepting it, validating it's reasons for existing and then kicking it out along with the rest of the trash....and don't you know I do mean the Great Sackless Wonder when I say trash.

Damn it's good to be a Princess :)

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Muranog said...

Perdie insists a princess can never be wrong too, so it must be true.

Hey, not all boys are icky! I'm not!

Falken is tho.

At 3:01 AM, Blogger Caitlin Sraet said...



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