Sunday, October 01, 2006

Friday Fives

(And it's only Sunday..look how much quicker I'm getting!)

Today's Friday Fives are Pet Peeves:

1. Name your biggest pet peeve about television commercials.

That they exist? Okay, that not being a reasonable answer... (changed my mind) I really hate perscription drug commercials. Not the "just wanted to let you know this condition exists and there is treatment" ones - although I'm not sure any of those *exist* anymore - but the "One free months supply of *******!" or "94.32457657% statisfaction garaunteed, or next months' free!" or you get the point. Bad enough my antibiotics cost 40$'s for a week long course... but now the drug companies actually have to fight over air space - and people wonder why life substaining medication costs so much? (Not to mention, I just don't think it's *my* job to tell my doctor WHICH medication to give me - it's MY job to be informed and researched on anything that's wrong with me before I walk in that office, but not to say "well, i'd really prefer x to y cause x gave me a coupon for 20 dollars off!"

2. Name the thing that bothers you most about grocery stores.

Having worked at one for so very long, the thing that actually bothers me the most is the customer (who is invariably always infront of me) who yells at the cashier when a) the credit card is denied b) the item rings up at a price that is not the imagined "sale price" or c) any other small irritant that has not ever been the cashiers fault, and never will be. I'm sorry - if you don't have money in your account, you just don't! It's embarassing - I've been there - but it ISN'T the fault of said cashier, who did not forget purchasing that 25 $$ latte at Starbucks a few hours ago.

3. Name the most annoying thing about newly purchased items.

The total on the receipt.

4. Name the common noise that grates on you the most.

There's this sound people make when they're trying to prove they're listening to you, if they are or not. It's kinda a "umm-hummm" mixed with a "uh-huh"... I can't explain it. But especially when guys do it - no matter how deep their voice is, suddenly it sounds like there's a vise know what..and it just got 3 inches tighter. I can't stand it!

5. The thing in your house or apartment you most hate to clean.

Such an unfair question. I hate cleaning up after everyone else that lives in this apartment, then going home, cleaning up after my dad and his girlfriend, his dog, my sister's cat, and myself.

But, if I had to limit it to one chore I really hate - cleaning anything glass. Because I'm an absolute perfectionist - there can not be a smudge, a smear, or a spot left on the glass - be it windows, or mirrors, or tv screens, or pyrex bowls. I just hate them!


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