Tuesday, September 12, 2006

more of life's undeniable truths...

i believe if you give a mouse a cookie, he will want a glass of milk. but hospitality is still a law in my world, so you should offer the milk graciously. i believe you can see amazing things on mulberry street, the alphabet can ALWAYS go on beyond zebra if you try hard enough, and if you don't like it in a box with a fox, try it in the rain, on a train. Just TRY it. i believe there's a monster at the end of every book, but most monsters are just misunderstood. You can't get a beautiful butterfly without a hungry caterpillar. Fingerpricks happen, no matter how hard you try to protect your children - your only job is to make sure there's a happy ending.

i believe in never going to bed angry - i also believe in staying up and fighting it out, if it's a fight worthy of an early morning makeup. i believe in going down the shore in summer, and tubing down the delaware when you can...but i also believe that the word creek does not contain the letter I. i believe if you can't laugh at yourself, you're going to be sad - and laughter is what life is all about. if i'm going to have lines on my face, i'd much rather they be laugh lines than worry warts.

I believe that I shall continue with life's undeniable truths when I feel like it, but for now, I am rather warm and cozy and drowsy and shall simply go be warm and cozy and drowsy - because warm and cozy and drowsy is undeniably the best way to be.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Caitlin Sraet said...

Hey Zhaky, you really need to come play more often. Unless you're playing another random newbie. Cause I haven't talked to you since...Thursday? And I'm BORED.


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