Sunday, November 19, 2006

For Mmmmmmmy...

I ain't never had a problem with California.
There's a lotta good women
From Sacramento to Corona.
But them Hollywood types after a while wear on ya.
Struting around in their size zeros
Skinny little girls no meat on their bones
Never even heard of George Jones

Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.
Ain't you glad there's still a few of us left
Who know how to rock your world.
Ain't afraid to eat fried chicken and
Dirty dance to Merle.
Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.

There ain't nothing wrong with plastic surgery.
Well, Dolly Parton never looked so good to me.
Everybody oughta be exactly who they wanna be.
But that Paris Hilton gets under my skin
With her big fake smile and her painted on tan
She never had a chance at a real man.

Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.
Ain't you glad there's still a few of us left
Who know how to rock your world.
Ain't afraid to eat fried chicken and
Dirty dance to Merle.
Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.

Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.
Ain't you glad there's still a few of us left
Who know how to rock your world.
I ain't afraid to eat fried chicken and
Dirty dance to Merle.
Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.

Ain't you glad we ain't all California girls.

California Girls ~ Gretchen Wilson

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New song...


I don't feel like loving you today.
So don't you even try to change my mind.
The best thing you can do right now
Is just go away
Cause I don't feel like loving you today.

I don't wanna talk about last night.
I'm angry and I haven't had much sleep.
I'm so tired and bloodshot,
There ain't no tellin what I'd say.
Cause I don't feel like loving you today.

But you know I will anyway.
Even though we make it hard sometimes.
I'll wind up forgiving you
And probably loving you for the rest of my life.

But I don't feel like loving you today.
And I've got 16 hours left to go.
I might tell you that I'm leaving
Even though you know I'll stay.
Cause I don't feel like loving you today.

But you know I will anyway
Even though we make it hard sometimes.
I'll wind up forgiving you
And probably loving you for the rest of my life.

But I don't feel like loving you today.
I just don't feel like loving you today.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Terrorizing Day.

So, they let me drive the car today.

Which would be fine. I'm good at driving. I've been driving, off and on, for 9 years. But I haven't been allowed to touch a wheel for 2 years, which makes me nervous. Plus, mom's car is a lot more powerful than my cavalier used to be, to be honest. But, not only was everyone in a hurry to get home, but they were also very...panicky. So, not only do I have shouts of "stop stop stop" or "go go go", but I get to this traffic circle..and franks like "stop stop stop stop!" while i'm *already* stopping. so i stop, and he's like 'okay, you can go now"...well, there's 4 other inlets into this circle, all with people going. and while merging may be a skill that drivers have, it's not one i've aquired just yet. not on that level. i'd rather hit the 8 lane highway than try to merge into that circle. so he's getting all upset cause i'm sitting there for like 45 seconds and someones honking besides me. and i'm getting stressed cause my brothers going "i wanna go home and play 360, and he's going "go" "argh" and i'm all "i don't really wanna hit anyone in mom's car". it got scary.

auto-homocide DID cross my mind at that point.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Whee. G'mornin follks!

scraps from the darklamp
scraps from Uvatha's ring of power
scraps from the heart of darkness
scraps from the mask of the red death
scraps from the Bracers of Chey
scraps from the ebony kris
scraps from Caitlin's bronze ear hoop
scraps from the Monocle of Ren
scraps from a bottle
scraps from the head of Grog
scraps from a small oak gall
scraps from a feather quill
scraps from a white potion
scraps from Norm's frosty cold mug

Welcome to Mozart Mud!

I'm never helping a newbie again. EVER!
(I say that every time, don't I?)

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Running out the door to work.

Taking a vacation early next month. I earned it, and it's about damned time. But I'm so happy it's official. Everyone knows that I've been going stir crazy, talking about all the places I want to go. So I did it. And I'm going. YAY!

No more information on that.

As far as the quitting smoking - I'm working on it. Broke down last night and bought a pack, and then proceeded to throw it away. I'm going with the whole "slips are not failures, they're lessons" philosophy. Glad Zhaky's quitting too, cause between him and Mmmmmmmmy, I have people to support me who understand how bad this is.

Mom says I should wait until Saturday, so I don't have the stress of work.

And works a hell of a lot more stressful *without* a cigarette.

But eh. Delay delay delay. I always wanna do everything *right now* afterall.

Anyway, like i said, literally running. I have 12 minutes and I'm not even dressed yet.

Bye guys.