Friday, January 12, 2007

It had to happen eventually...

got fired tonight.


via an email.

offical bullshit excuse - the slow season has started and i'm no longer needed. (we know this can't be true, as they just extended our shifts by a mandatory extra hour to compensate for all the extra work there is.)

real reason - angela's been sick ever since she started this fucking job. which, by the way, angela's doctor has stated that the reason she keeps getting sinus infections is in large due directly to the environment in which she works. regardless, i was a temp, they coulda just fired me for being sick, even with the doctor's notes i provided. but of course they didn't.

on the plus side...

well, i'll come up with one and let you know.

however, i'm working on my resume right now, and applying for receptionist jobs. it's not glorious, but it's a big step for me. it's a self-esteem thing, you see... cause i know i can do these jobs, but i never had the balls to try and convince someone else that i could do them. but i'm aiming at going to school (DeVry wants me to start in March, although I'm not positive yet that I want to go to DeVry.. I'd really like to go to a "real" school, as we all know, but DeVry's close and they're pushing for me - and they have this motto about never turning someone away just cause they can't pay for it, which means i might actually get help with the whole getting financial aid disaster i've been trying to wade through) - and i'm aiming at going to school for business management... so if i can't work in an office now, i'm never gonna be able to. i need to grow a pair i guess.

in other, unrelated news...haven't talked to R. in over 2 weeks, had not even called him in 11 days until some interesting circumstances the other afternoon, but his 2 year old daughter called me (don't ask me how, I don't know) the other day - so I've decided to end things until he moves out. Because I am feelin really damned guilty that his children are even in any way minorly exposed to me. It may not have been my fault - but with all of the distance, and the fact that he gets pissed at me if I call, because of the drama it causes around there (ie, Jody encouraging me to call and then flipping out at Rob everytime I do so) and the fact that he's stuck there if he likes it or not, and the fact that I simply can't spend my entire life in a relationship where I feel like I'm constantly wrong no matter what I do - not to mention alone with a boyfriend I'm not allowed to speak to - the last thing I could take was GUILT on top of it. I have enough reasons to dislike myself. Of course, I can't call him and talk this out with him, all I could do was send him an email that he most likely won't read, since he can't read his email from home. And no snickering, or I told you so's..and keep the cheering out of my hearing, cause it fucking hurts. I'm just hoping if i end things now, before we hate each other, than we'll still have a chance, down the road, when we're both free and have pulled our shit together a little bit.

(and devry has pleanty of campuses in arizona if things do work out.)

anyway. now offline. been on way too long working on my resume.

i miss y'all.


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