Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Just in case you wondered...

have been spending the last week or so at my dad's house, so have been out of online commission. and next weekend mom is supposed to be moving from the basement apartment to the one overtop of it, so will (i hope) be helping her with that. will be back around when i can. have missed you all dreadfully, and hope you've missed me, atleast some. =).

my cell is nearly out of daytime minutes for the month, but feel free to call me after 9pm est if you have my number. (and if you don't, ask mimulus and she'll get ahold of me and find out if it's okay to give you my number - i love y'all and all, but it is still the internet, can't just go posting phone numbers around where children could find them...kinda like matches, you know.)

been very bored and very lonely. miss my mom and my brothers and stuff. but needed some post-holiday decompression time. the holidays really depressed me. (just like every year.) and will probably continue to be really bored and really lonely, what with not being able to get online. so pllllllllease... drop an email or a note or something. lemme feel special. (yes, shameless begging here, but my insecurities say that i need to know people miss me when i'm gone. who cares if it's shameless, it's honest and it's MY blog. i can be shameless if i want.)

on the other front - it's sad when you realize things after it may already be too late. realized some things over this past week of seclusion about myself that really need changing. and have begun to change them. i'm just hoping i didn't wait to long. i'm trying to process that, to deal with it. to overcome it. i've had a really narrow view on a really important subject (that's right, i've had blinders on, goddammit) - and i'm sure it's been more than one subject that i've had blinders on, but i'm only talking about one right now - and all of a sudden i can see the whole picture. the problem is, i maybe waited to long. so i'm scared. scared shitless. because it matters, a lot, to me.

anyway, i've gotta get offline before i get busted.
talk to y'all soon as i can.
if anyone still reads these blogs. hope y'all still do.

love you guys.


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