Thursday, November 02, 2006


Running out the door to work.

Taking a vacation early next month. I earned it, and it's about damned time. But I'm so happy it's official. Everyone knows that I've been going stir crazy, talking about all the places I want to go. So I did it. And I'm going. YAY!

No more information on that.

As far as the quitting smoking - I'm working on it. Broke down last night and bought a pack, and then proceeded to throw it away. I'm going with the whole "slips are not failures, they're lessons" philosophy. Glad Zhaky's quitting too, cause between him and Mmmmmmmmy, I have people to support me who understand how bad this is.

Mom says I should wait until Saturday, so I don't have the stress of work.

And works a hell of a lot more stressful *without* a cigarette.

But eh. Delay delay delay. I always wanna do everything *right now* afterall.

Anyway, like i said, literally running. I have 12 minutes and I'm not even dressed yet.

Bye guys.


At 3:39 PM, Blogger Biomouse said...

I know it's hard to deal with, but yeah, there will always me moments where you can say-man, this is too stressful and I just need a cigarette. Good work so far and stay positive, I know you can do this!


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